Mirage Spey

Fly: Thomas C. Duncan, Sr., Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Partridge Bartleet, 1/0
Thread: Black Uni 8/0
Ribbing: Oval pearl tinsel
Body: Opal Mirage Saltwater Flashabou
Hackle: Grey spey hackle
Collar: Teal
Wing: Purple Finn Raccoon over opal Mirage Flashabou strands
Sides: Jungle Cock nails
Note: This fly has actual movement, perceived movement, and curious light-refracting qualities, most of which is due to the curious mylar material. Since the Mirage blends in with its surroundings well, it makes a fly tied with it a good fit in many places. The movement of the Raccoon and spey hackle is considerably enticing as well.

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