Grey Boy Buzzer

Fly: Bob Wyatt, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: size 10 to 14, medium wire emerger style
Thread: Brown
Weight (optional): lead wire
Rib: White or light blue tying thread
Abdomen: any dark grey fur such as hare, etc. (Chris Reeves ties his very similar Grey Goose Buzzer with wild goose barbs wound as herl)
Wing case: section of “plumulaceous” grey goose secondary wing feather, from lower portion of the feather shaft, with soft plumes at end of the barbs, tied in before thorax is dubbed.. The wing case is tied in so the soft plume extends beyond the hook eye
Thorax: dark hare’s ear

Note: Bring the goose feather over thorax and tie in so the plumulaceous “breathers” extend beyond the eye. Pinch off the breathers to the appropriate length.

Chris Reeves ties his very similar Grey Goose Buzzer with wild goose barbs wound as herl.

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