LE Shuttlecock Variant

Fly: Leif Ehnström, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Partridge Long Shank Sedge or similar
Thread: Black
Tail: White Marabou
Abdomen: Biot or hackle stem
Thorax: Dubbed CDC and thin strip of foam on top
Breathers/Feelers: White CdC
Note: This is probably the best idea when fishing for fish that cruise the lake for hatching midges. The plume of CdC makes the fly hanging just under the surface. The difficulty is to get the right amount of CdC. You have to test. The fly is tied in the hook bend only.

I got the idea from the Leon Links book “Tying Flies with CDC” where you can read about the shuttlecocks of Clive Perkins and see variants from Paul Canning, Chris Howitt and Elie Beerten.

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