Emerging Caddis Pupa (winter coat)

Fly: Jax Murray, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Black Magic G14 or 16
Thread: Black
Rib: Fine Silver Wire
Abdomen: Acrylic Wool [Bordeaux]
Wing: Pukeko Breast Feathers [Blue or Black]
Antennae: Two Turkey Tom Tail Feather Biots
Thorax: Red Acrylic Wool

Tying instructions:

  1. Wrap hook shank from eye to a position over the Barb with thread.

  2. Tie in wire rib.

  3. Tie in rear body dubbing and dub body. Stop 1/3 from the eye.

  4. Work back toward the bend ¼ of an inch and build up a thorax.

  5. Spiral wrap wire rib and tie off in front of Thorax.

  6. Tie in wings one per side slope slightly up at the rear.

  7. Tie in the Antennae. Slope them back toward the hook bend. Let the antennae extend ½ an inch past the hook bend.

  8. Dub thread with Red Acrylic Wool and build up section in front of thorax. Whip finish head and apply Head Cement.

A Lightly Weighted Version can be tied using three or four turns of.020 lead wire under the thorax area.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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