BWO Nymph

Fly: Harald Weidler, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Tiemco 100 SP-BL
Thread: UNI 6/0 black
Underbody: Fine lead wire
Tail: Tips of 4-5 turkey fibers
Rib: Fine gold wire
Abdomen: Turkey fibers
Wing case: Turkey fibers
Thorax: Squirrel dubbing, dark brown
Note: The BWO is a very common fly in Austrian rivers. Whenever you see Emphemerella Ignita flying this nymph is good for a try. The silhouette can be a bit fat because the real insect looks like this. Natural turkey fibres have the right color for the BWO nymph. I use to fish it in dead drift upstream in depths not over 1m. If the water is deeper I use other nymphs.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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