Female Trico Spinner

Fly: Frank Thompson, Originator: Bob Miller, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Mustad 94859, #20-26
Thread: Uni-thread, 8/0, both black and white
Tail: Microfibetts, light dun
Wonder wing: Light dun hen hackles from saddle area
Abdomen: hen saddle hackle stem, cream or white, soak hackle stem in warm water in dish before tying tip end at bend and wrap to thorax area.
Thorax: fur on poly dubbing, very dark dun or black
Tying instructions: To make the wonder wing strip the barbs off of the leading edge of each hackle. About ½” down from tip stroke the barb, so they are reversed. Tie in each hackle on top of shank with dull side down. The wing can be longer than needed while tying in place. After the wings are tied in place cut the tips of wings to proper length. Use tweezers to remove any barbs that have been cut but are tied down. For the thorax area use the black thread. Dub the thorax around wing area. Whip finish and cut thread. Use the white thread tie in tail at about 45° to shank on each side. Wrap the abdomen with hen hackle stem and tie down and whip finish where abdomen meets thorax.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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