CMC (Can't Miss Caddis)

Fly: Charles "Chip" Drozenski, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: TIEMCO 2487 #12-20 (or equivalent light wire scud hook)
Thread: 8/0 color matches thorax
Rib: Olive Brown Angora Goat
Body: Pearl Tinsel
Antennae: Partridge or Woodduck
Thorax: Swisher's Gen 'X' Brown (Rub-A-Dub) dubbing with fine rubber wigglies

Note: Angora ribbing and Gen 'X' dubbing colors can vary. Fish take this fly VERY aggressively

Tying Instructions:
  1. Tie thread at eye and wind to bend of hook.

  2. Form dubbing loop, fill with angora goat and twist tightly for ribbing.

  3. Tie in Pearl tinsel and form body from bend to three quarters of way to head.

  4. Spiral angora forward for ribbing. Very buggy. Pick if necessary.

  5. Tie in Antennae

  6. Form dubbing loop and fill with Gen 'X' dubbing. Twist tightly and form thorax/head. Pick out rubber wigglies and trim.

  7. Complete whip finish for head.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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